Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well ahoy there! So the other day me and Zoei were in the car and she turns to me and says, "If we ever need code names mine is Gold Canary." All I could think was, DARN that's a good code name. Ever since then I've wanted a code name also. But not a lame one that's boring. So after much debate me and Zoei finally came up with MINT~TEA. A few in the running were yellow ostrich and blue moon. But Mint~tea seemed to fit me well. Green is my favorite color and mint green does make my heart dance. Sometimes I drink tea, but I really added that because it sounded cool. So there you have it, I'm not sure if I'll ever need a code name. I can think of many situations were it might be helpful, but none that actually seem like they might happen. Regardless, I've got the name just to be safe. 

Until we meet again- Mint~Tea. (aka) Remi (aka) The girl with the glasses that kinda looks like Ugly Betty

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