Monday, December 31, 2012

Moving on and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Phew, this year has been an interesting one for Zoei and myself. It's safe to say that we learned A LOT about our relationship and the amazingness that comes along with being sisters and twins! I'm happy to say that we have survived the year and are ready to move on to better and more fantastical things! We just finished up cleaning and moving out of our lil studio. But don't fret we still plan on making some lovely tees, especially in the summer of 2013! For now though we have packed up our stuff and am taking a bit to sort out and figure out the next step. Both of us are excited to start new with a new space and new fresh ideas! So keep your eyes peeled for some newness that is in the works.

The biggest thing I want to mention is all the amazing support that we continually receive from friends and family. There is no doubt that we couldn't have accomplished anything with out all of you! When you jump into a project like this its so amazing to see how positive and supportive people can be! One of the greatest things I've learned through out all of this is that the people I've surrounded myself with are truly beautiful, amazing people! I just feel so incredibly lucky to live the life that I do!

So THANK YOU all my lovlies! I hope you have an amazing new year!


1 comment:

  1. as a person who is lucky enough to be one that gets to surround herself around you wonderful girls i would like to thank you for your love and kindness and that being around you makes me strive to be a better person I love you and can't wait to see what the future will bring Happy New Year!
