Friday, December 7, 2012

Holidays and Photo-A-Day

        I must say I've been lacking on the blog posts as of late. In all fairness doesn't it seem like the holidays suck the time out of everything! Even the simplest things take FOREVER! Little things just like running to the store to get a pair of gloves. After battling to find ones you like, you get 5 other workers trying to get you to buy other crap that you really don't need. But its the holiday season so you don't want to be rude to anyone. Nobody wants to be that grumpy gus that pouts whenever they go out anywhere. So, I smile and wait in the extremely long line at the post office and accept it. It is what it is, Oh the holidays and the wonder of it ALL!

On a lighter note! I feel like I'm on the edge of getting my creative juices back! This week has been filled with sketches and getting stuff done! I don't want to say anything too soon so I don't jinx myself. But I have a good feeling about this coming year! I've also been doing Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day! Its really fun and now that I've discovered instagram it makes it so much more enjoyable! Any who  check out my instagram and take part in the photo challenge! Its tons of fun!

Only 18 days until Christmas! 

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