Saturday, April 16, 2011


When I am not thinking about Brightside or work i'm usually thinking about music.. I mean, seriously there are very few things that come close to being as awesome as music, and since today is Record Store Day (April 16th) I thought it was fitting to blog about something music related, so this is a blog about Bramble.

Bramble is an amazing local band from good old SLC. So why am I blogging about them you ask?? Because they need our help to earn money to be able to release more awesomness.. But before I get into that, im going to post their site so you can listen to some of their music while you read this so BAM------>  seriously click on that, go ahead be brave....listen to some great music as you read a pretty awesome blog..

So now that you have some music playing I will get in to what I was talking about earlier, like the earning money thing, yeah I think you remember... So they are trying to get money to like I said make a full album. So here is another site to check out WHAM-----> Brambles kick starter  BUT WAIT DONT CLICK ON THAT YET.. let me tell you what it is, cause if you are reading this, you probably know that I (Zoei) am one of those annoying people who show you something then explain down to every last detail what it is before you have a chance to look at it... So what it is is (is is haha) you donate money to help reach their goal of $8,000 and they give you some nifty gifties.. thats right you get awesome stuff out of it, so what I am proposing is you donate just 10 bucks and help a great band out and get sweet stuff from them (for $10 you get their cd when and if they release it) The down side to the kick starter is if they dont reach their goal they get nothing (dont worry you get your money back too!) but it would be so sad if they didnt get to record a full length album..So please click on that link now, I promise I wont yell at you this time, check it out, donate what you can and know that we love you more than we did before, even if you didnt think it was possible to love you more!!

Alright enough with all this reading.. here is a video to keep you happy!!
But one more thing.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate what you can, they are a great band, and we feel they really deserve this, but they are far behind their goal... so please help out!!


Hope you enjoyed.. and I hope after watching that you attempt to do the stomp clap rub hands together thing.. its quite fun.. and addicting (btw if you do it at work you will get weird looks, just refer them to that video and you will get a "ohhhh I get it now"

Peace out-- Zoei

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