Saturday, September 22, 2012

Doodling on my bike!

So at the beginning of summer I fixed up and painted my bike. As you can see HERE. I finally got around to taking a sharpie to it and giving it some cool tattoos! Its been a slow process, mostly cause I just kinda did a little here and there. But now its finally done! Well, for the most part, I'll still probably randomly add new little doodles here and there. I figured next year I'll probably rip it all apart again and re-paint it, so what ever drawings I do are only going to last the rest of the year. (before its too cold to ride my bike anywhere.) 

I always have to name things. It's strange I know. But I named my bike PISTACHIO! Mostly because of the green color and it's just fun to say! 

I went more geometric with the designs that I did mostly cause I wasn't sure how easy it would be to draw on the roundy parts. 

After I was done I sprayed it with a clear coat sealant. Mostly to keep it from fading or rubbing off. Although be careful because I got a little too close and it make the design a bit fuzzy and drippy. 

I think next time I'll do something more flowery, just to match my basket better. 

There is still a lot of blank spaces that I think could use some doodles. I was thinking less is more, but it might look really cool if the whole thing was covered in these kind of patterns. I'll have to remember that for next year. 

Go ride your bike! Before its too cold! 


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